You certainly get what you pay for with the various versions. Like other commercial office suites from Microsoft and SoftMaker, Corel WordPerfect Office comes in multiple versions. How Much Does Corel WordPerfect Office Cost? Whether you need or care about these features may heavily influence your decision to use Corel WordPerfect Office. Later I also point out a few specific features and capabilities missing from WordPerfect Office that you do get from Microsoft Office. It also doesn't support real-time collaboration, something Google Workspace and others have done for years. As mentioned, it's for Windows only (if you want to run it on a Mac, you need virtualization software) with no mobile apps, and the look is quite dated.

In some areas, WordPerfect Office lags other office apps noticeably. WordPerfect uses its own file format, but it can open and save files in Word's DOCX format, and you can set DOCX as the default save format. I use WordPerfect when I need to get the format and content exactly as I want it. I use Microsoft Word when I merely need to get a document written that I can send to someone else, or when I'm sending something to a publisher. (Opens in a new window) Read Our LibreOffice Review How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication.